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  • È in libreria: Roger Ariew & Erik-Jan Bos (eds.), René Descartes: The Complete Correspondence in English Translation, Volume I

È in libreria: Roger Ariew & Erik-Jan Bos (eds.), René Descartes: The Complete Correspondence in English Translation, Volume I


René Descartes, The Complete Correspondence in English translation, Volume I. From te Early Years to the Dirscours on Method, 1619-1638, edited and translated by Roger Ariew & Erik-Jan Bos, Oxford University Press, 2024. L'edizione completa comprederà altri due volumi: Volume II: The Middle Years, from the Meditations to the Principles, 1639-1644; Volume III: The Final Years, incorporating Passions of the Soul, 1645-1650
René Descartes, The Complete Correspondence en traduction anglaise, Volume I. From the Early Years to the Discourse on Method, 1619-1638, édité et traduit par Roger Ariew & Erik-Jan Bos, Oxford University Press, 2024. L'édition complète comprendra deux autres volumes : Volume II: The Middle Years, from the Meditations to the Principles, 1639-1644; Volume III: The Final Years, incorporating Passions of the Soul, 1645-1650.
René Descartes, The Complete Correspondence in English translation, Volume I. From the Early Years to the Discourse on Method, 1619-1638, edited and translated by Roger Ariew & Erik-Jan Bos, Oxford University Press, 2024. The complete edition will include two more volumes: Volume II: The Middle Years, from the Meditations to the Principles, 1639-1644; Volume III: The Final Years, incorporating Passions of the Soul, 1645-1650.

Link: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/ren-descartes-the-complete-correspondence-in-english-translation-volume-i-9780198860044?cc=it&lang=en&