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- 2016
- Conferenza del Prof. Ohad Nachtomy (Bar-Ilan University, Israele) Leibniz’s Early Encounters with Descartes, Galileo, and Spinoza on Infinity
Conferenza del Prof. Ohad Nachtomy (Bar-Ilan University, Israele) Leibniz’s Early Encounters with Descartes, Galileo, and Spinoza on Infinity
- 28 ottobre 2016
- Anno: 2016
- Download Leibnizs_Early_Encounter_with_Descartes.pdf
Ore 11.00-12.00
Sala della Grottesca – Rettorato
Conferenza del Prof. Ohad Nachtomy (Bar-Ilan University, Israele) Leibniz’s Early Encounters with Descartes, Galileo, and Spinoza on Infinity